Basilica of Mary Magdalene in Southern France


A place for saints to commune!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Nuns Unfairly Chastised

BBC Headline 4/19/2012: “The Vatican has ordered a crackdown on a group of American nuns that it considers too radical.” St. Peter in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene: “Must we change our customs, and listen to this woman? Did he really choose her, and prefer her to us? Then Mary wept . . .” 2012 years after Peter caused Mary to weep, the tradition and customs of disrespect remains and is verbalized from the very seat of St. Peter as the Pope denounces our nuns for "feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faith". BBC reports “Vatican officials also castigated the group for making some public statements that "disagree with or challenge positions taken by the bishops", who are the church's "authentic teachers of faith and morals." Should our nuns really be told they are NOT “authentic teachers of faith and morals?” These holy sisters are on the ground working every day with the sick, the poor, educating our children, feeding our hungry, praying constantly, and yet whether they speak or do not speak the Church is chastising them unfairly, unjustly and with complete flagrant disrespect for all women. Every woman should be aware and appalled about this unprecedented and unwarranted prejudice of females. There should be more than an apology demanded for this outrage, there should be a new and revitalized feminine movement to raise awareness of women’s rights both in the church and in the country. It is time to acknowledge that we are all created equal in God’s image, male and female. "Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, “Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons". Peter came to understand the truth and it is time for that truth to be unveiled. It is time to raise awareness of the equality of women, dispense justice and banish ignorance. Honor your father and your mother is a commandment issued from the Mother and Father God who created us. We should not blaspheme the Spirit of God. "Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme . . . This quote is taken from Proverbs and yet the entire Book of Wisdom was banished from the St. James Bible. How long should the world tolerate the banishment of women from an equal standing with men?

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