Basilica of Mary Magdalene in Southern France


A place for saints to commune!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Guess who came to dinner?

Communion of Saints is racing to a momentus conclusion as more saints and other surprising souls join in the wondrous story. Sister Agnes a/k/a Mother Agnes a/k/a Pauline Martin has arrived! OMG! This is stupendous! For those not familiar with my patron and spiritual guide, St. Therese of Lisieux, let me introduce you to her sister. Pauline Martin became a second mother to Therese Martin, then four years old, when their mother died. Pauline later joined the Carmel convent and took the name Sister Agnes. When Therese joined the convent, Sister Agnes became prioress and Mother Agnes to the sisters of Carmel, including her very own sister, Therese of Lisieux.
Sister Agnes is the one who edited and published the first autobiography of St. Therese, Story of a Soul. She single-handedly brought the beautiful story of this mystic saint to the attention of millions of readers and this book, now distributed in the original text, is still read by millions of spiritual seekers and devotees of St. Therese over a hundred years later.
Welcome, Sister Agnes, I know you are here to continue the story of St. Therese! This is so exciting!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Book Inspired by St. Therese Coming Soon

Communion of Saints is scheduled to be released early in 2012 and will be premiered at this author's table at the IWPA Tent at the Printers Row Literary Fest in Chicago next June. I am so excited about this book. I have invited the saints to bring their stories to this effort and so far the book includes St. Therese of Lisieux, my patron and spiritual mentor; Mary Magdalene, St. Peter, St. James, St. Jude, St. Francis, St. Angela, St. Francis and St. Michael. My most interesting addition to date is the Irish Saint Brandon the Navigator. I learned that he is the patron saint of sailors, mariners and travelers. This is a wonderful saint for this book as it is told that he voyaged all the way to the place of the saints - Paradise!

This book includes exciting adventures and photos taken by Anne Urne on her visits to the basilica, crypt and grotto of Mary Magdalene in southern France and other adventures that are breathtakingly exciting. Thanks to the saints, a priest that joined them and the steadfast faith that all would turn out well, Anne and her traveling companions made it through the hair raising travels abroad. Welcome St. Brandon!